How the plan’s investments are doing

Learn how the investment portfolio of BC's Teachers' Pension Plan performed in recent years.

Annual returns and benchmarks

The plan tracks returns annually and over the longer term.

  • The board has set a 5.75 per cent actuarial return target. This is the amount the plan’s investments need to earn to meet its long-term targets.
  • For 2022, the plan’s investment return was -3.4 per cent, above the benchmark of -5.9 per cent. A benchmark is a standard used to measure the performance of an investment or a portfolio.
  • For 2022, the ten-year annualized return was 8.6 per cent, above the market benchmark of 7.3 per cent.

Longer-term results are important. The board’s primary objective is to ensure the long-term sustainability of the plan, making sure that all members, from those retired to those who just joined, receive a pension.

Investment return vs benchmark (%)

Investment return vs benchmark chart

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