Member News: March 17, 2021

Limited member administration fee has been removed

Are you a Teachers’ Pension Plan member whose spousal relationship has ended?

Effective April 1, 2021, we are removing the $750 administration fee for your former spouse to become a limited member of the plan and receive their share of your pension directly from the plan.

If your former spouse wishes to become a limited member of the plan, you or your former spouse now must only submit:

  • A Form P2 Request for designation as limited member
  • A copy of your complete, signed separation agreement or registered court order (if neither is available, send a Form P9 Agreement to have benefits divided under part 6 with the application form)

If BC Pension Corporation receives the application to become a limited member on or before March 31, 2021, the $750 fee will still be charged and will not be refunded. If the application is received after March 31, 2021, the fee will not apply.

What is a limited member?

Following a separation or divorce, a former spouse of a plan member can apply to the plan to be designated a limited member. Limited members are entitled to a portion of the plan member’s pension earned by the plan member while they were in the spousal relationship and can receive their share of the pension directly from the plan.

Related content for the March 17, 2021 Member News

Separation and divorce