Teachers' Pension Plan

BC's Teachers' Pension Plan is one of the largest public sector pension plans in British Columbia. Learn how your plan is organized and managed.

Organizational structure of the plan

Learn how BC's Teachers’ Pension Plan is structured and organized.

Plan rules

Read the plan rules that govern all aspects of BC's Teachers' Pension Plan – from enrolment eligibility to pension calculations.

Board trustees

Meet the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees.

Board committees

The Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees has several committees that make recommendations to the board on issues affecting BC's Teachers' Pension Plan.

Board policies

Read the policies and processes that guide the work of the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees.

Board meeting highlights

Read board meeting highlights from the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees.

Joint trust agreement

Read the Teachers' Pension Plan Joint Trust Agreement.

Governance documents

Explore the laws, regulations and internal governance documents that guide the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees.

Contact the plan board

Questions for the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees about plan governance, rules or decisions can be submitted through the Teachers' Pension Board Secretariat.